APA 6 Style Guide
Blue text | Replace with information from source |
Purple bold text | Text required by the APA style |
[Gray text in brackets] | Tips |
– APA Reference List
General Tips
- Capitalization: The Blog title is in sentence case
- Please note that there is no use of italics when citing blogs because they are informally published and part of a greater whole.
- Reply or comment on a blog post = Use [Web log comment]
- McAdoo, T. (2009, September 10). Use of first person in APA style [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://blog.apastyle.org/
- Myers, P. Z. (2007, January 22). The unfortunate prerequisites and consequences of partitioning your mind [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2007/01/the_unfortunate_prerequites.php